Elimination back-off stack performance

I recently stumbled upon the idea of an Elimination Back-off Stack promising to be a parallel, linearizable and lock-free stack. In case you are not familiar with it, I would suggest either reading my previous post or the corresponding paper [1] itself. Being quite intrigued by the ideas of the above stack I wrote my own implementation in Rust with a little help from crossbeam. ...

April 1, 2020 · Max Inden

Elimination back-off stack

Reading The Art of Multiprocessor Programming [1] I came across the Elimination Back-off Stack [2] datastructure introduced in 2004 by Danny Hendler, Nir Shavit, and Lena Yerushalmi. It promises to be a parallel lock-free stack. How can a stack allow parallel operations without going through a single serialization point, e.g. a Mutex or an Atomic? Let’s dive into it. A lock-free stack A lock-free stack, also often referred to as a Treiber stack [3] due to Kent Treiber, operates on top of a lock-free linked list. The entry point of the stack is an atomic pointer which is either pointing to the node on the very top of the stack or is null in case of an empty stack. ...

March 28, 2020 · Max Inden