Optimizing Yamux Flow Control - Sending Window Update Frames Early

Below is a summary of our efforts to optimize flow control in the Rust Yamux implementation. While not a novel approach, I still find the end result worth sharing thus my forum post. https://discuss.libp2p.io/t/optimizing-yamux-flow-control-sending-window-update-frames-early/843

March 7, 2021 · Max Inden

24th DistSys Reading Group - BBR Congestion-Based Congestion Control

After a bit of a break due to current pandemic we decided to carry on and continue our meetings as virtual calls. Ignoring the usual initial hiccups and the missing whiteboard the medium worked well for us. Topic and reading of this session was the ACM Queue article BBR: Congestion-Based Congestion Control [1], as well as the Dropbox article Evaluating BBRv2 on the Dropbox Edge Network [2]. We started off with a quick recap of the previous session covering why we need congestion control, how one can view a multi-hop connection as a single hop connection with a single bottleneck and most importantly the fact that the Internet is the largest distributed system that most of the time “just works” due to congestion control....

April 6, 2020 · Max Inden